Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Widow dah jadi..

..hehe2.."guy in this pic is not her ex but sumone who i believe could take care of her better in future"!!..haha

A day before we are having our 2nd semester break, well that's today..hehe3..Erin had been ambushed by a such HECK news about his "sotong" bf..

..haha..den dah kato"leave him b4 he leave you"..Then,this happen.

Jah kate"Aku x bleh salahkn dye 1oo%,coz ko penah niat nk dump dye dlu"

Sarah kate"..Eii..ak emo btol la ngan Cipon uh..eish..geram plak ak!!"

Awin kate"..nth ak lupe lak tetbe..keh3

Anis kate"..Lex la Erin..kt RCMP t ko carik la mane2 hot hunk..heh"

..Now Erin really,badly need our help..She afraid she will cry when she facing that d*** guy..No matter what,we always right behind you..

Time dalam bas,tgh syok2 layan oppa,tetibe

"Hajar,tdo ke??"Sarah tnye.


"She's crying again..."

Adoyai..but that time was the worst..she keep cryin'2 until she felt asleep perhaps.

Erin,if u read this post,i'm tellin' u..All ropol2 love matter what..but,you should know..This heart and feeling emotion can't be shared equally among us..U r da one who knows better bout urs.u can tell us everythin'but we can't over react..hahaha3..what da..

I still remember,i gave you this analogy..psal org yg kne cancer.. i described you as org yg kne cancer tapi x nk operate..hehe3..klu operate there are risk whether u get better or you die..

In this case,klu ko operate,meaning ko pgi luahkn kt dye what things yg ko x pueh ati..if you get better meaning both of u bleh terime..but if you die,meaning ko x kuat n barai ngn ayak mata..hehe..

Sory to say,tapi ak rse kn Erin,idea org kne cancer bi mmg brilliant time uh..heheh.

Erm..i have nothing to write left,even too many words came across my mind..

but its ok Erin,ak ad jew kt sini..alweyz..

Ok..should stop rite now..


Thursday, February 18, 2010

I wanna story..

I wanna tell..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hajar demam..

ini ialah nukilan seorang kawan di blog HAJAR ZAIN...

Hajar Zain sudah demam selama nak dekat berapa jam tah..hahaha..sejak dari kelas td..kesian dier..huhu~

aku doakan HAJAR supaya tidak demam lagi..die sedang berselubung di dalam selimut tebalku yg mmg mengasyikkan dan menyebabkan sesiapa yg berada dlm pelukan selimut itu tidak ingin meninggalkan selimut itu bersendirian..wakakka..mmg selimut itu BEST....!!!

Bak kata HAJAR.."aku demam sebab byk sgt beban yg aku kne tanggung..."

aku berkata.."beban ape Hajar???"

Hajar menjawab.."mcm2 la...ade presentation html yg tidak di bentangkn lg..ade public speaking yg tah biler tah aku nak dah la ade kuiz vector ngn trigonometri..tibe2 cikgu Narimah itu berkata pula.."esok ade kuiz matrices ngn conic section.."...terkejut beruk aku apakan daya..minggu depan ditambah dgn standardized sabtu ni nak kuar pergi JITRA...hehehe..bak kate anis pulak.."kite kne mereleasekan tensi sebelum menghadapi std..huhuhuhu...."

aku berkata.."Go2 JITRA...hahahaha.."

mereka berkata..."hajar dah ok??"

hajar berpaling dgn muke yg lemah lg x bermaya dan mulutnya bergerak.."belom la..jom mkn.."

mereka menjawab.."jom.."

jah berkata.."korg 'duduk' la dulu...(jah version..)"

erin (yg pandai meng'imitate' sesiapa pun.. )menyambung.."sampai biler kite kne 'duduk'???(versi jah:spt di atas) tp erin buat melebih2 sikit la..

anis yg dr tadi x berkata2..lalu berkata.."senyapla...sarah tgh baca Al-Quran.."

konklusinya...kami pergi makan ikan sweet sour ngn telor serta sayur kacang panjang...

tata..till then..

kite berjumpa lg...


_yang penat menaip..:::kawan HAJAR::...

Monday, February 1, 2010

..RPXQ - board member team..
Last gaye cm nk bwt report..x kesah la.aritu ktorg diarah kn oleh Pn Narimah melalui aween utk bwt board blok kt depan tu..Malang nuer,xde la plak pic board tu kt cni..xpe2...akan di upload kemudian..It is a fun group work btw,coz when Ropol2 kumpul,what can be more havoc than us???hehehe..arini,tecer kate cantik ,menarik n ec..of koz la..tgk la tgn2 creativeyg potong bulat,yg wane bulatdan memcacatkn bulat...haha till then..bye!!

Rahim + Anis = Rahinis

Waaaawawawa....hehe2..pic d atas telah menimbulkan bnyk kontreversi..haha3..sume nye gara2 aku yg konon nk guraw..tapi,nk buek camno an??Anis kato den salah org..hehe2..x pe..da
most important.we all have fun..!!..fighting Rahinis..hoho